An immediate response to your concerns:
In return to your inquiry, Oregon Residential Appraisal LLC will provide you with personalized information.
All you need to do is just tell us exactly what you're going through and we'll make recommendations.
Fast turnaround time:
You'll get a response within one business day (often in just a few hours) and you'll have results in one week or less.
Reports tailored for the knowledge of a consumer who's not an experienced real estate pro:
We know that people want different things - there is no "one size fits all" in the appraisal and consulting business.
There are many different types of reports and delivery methods that Oregon Residential Appraisal LLC offers.
A quick reply to follow-up questions:
You can feel safe in the knowledge that all Oregon Residential Appraisal LLC's services meet or exceed Oregon's requirements and the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that establishes appraisal standards for the whole nation.
If you have any issues in regards to your appraisal after you've looked over the report, we encourage you by all means to contact us.